Delphinus delphis L., 1758
Family: Ziphiidae
Common dolphins, as their name suggests, are one of the most plentiful dolphin species in the world. They are found mainly in deep, temperate and tropical offshore waters throughout the world but can occasionally be seen in the coastal waters off Northern Ireland. A distinctive pale yellow and grey, hour-glass pattern on both sides of the body allows the common dolphin to be easily recognized. Well known for their acrobatic displays, they will approach boats and are often seen bow-riding.
In brief
Species description
The common dolphin is small (adults are 1.7-2.6m long), with a slim and streamlined body. The back, fins and beak are dark brown/black and the underside is white. There is a distinctive hourglass pattern on the sides made up of patches of pale yellow/tan and light grey. The eye is surrounded by a black ring with a dark stripe that runs from the eye to the front of the head (above the beak). A second dark stripe runs from below the beak to the flipper. The short, narrow beak is easily seen. Between 40 and 55 pairs of small, pointed, cone-shaped teeth are present in the upper and lower jaw. The dorsal fin is in the middle of the back.
Life cycle
Common dolphins live in groups or herds that can range in size from a few individuals to several hundred. They feed mainly on schooling fish, such as herring, but will also take squid, shrimps and crabs. Groups of dolphins will often cooperate when hunting and catching schools of fish. They regularly feed in deep water and can dive to 280m. Like many dolphin species, they use echolocation to determine the shape, size, speed, distance and structure of objects in their surroundings. Common dolphins are very vocal, producing a variety of clicks and whistles that can occasionally be heard above the water. They are fast swimmers, very acrobatic and will often approach boats to bow-ride. A single calf is born in the summer.
Similar species
There are no similar species in Northern Ireland coastal waters.
How to see this species
There have been a few sightings of common dolphins in the coastal waters off Northern Ireland in recent years. The coastline around Larne/Islandmagee, the waters off Rathlin Island (both in County Antrim) and the Copeland Islands, County Down are all areas where you may be lucky enough to see this species.
Current status
The estimated population of common dolphins in the European Atlantic is about 118,000 individuals.
Why is this species a priority in Northern Ireland?
Threats/Causes of decline
Conservation of this species
Current action
Common dolphins are included in the UK Grouped Species Action Plan for small dolphins, which was published in 1999.
Proposed objectives/actions
What you can do
To report common dolphin sightings to CEDaR, telephone 028 90395264 or email
Further information
Irish Cetacean Review 2000-2009, The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
UK Grouped Species Action Plan for small dolphins
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) priority species page
NBN Gateway: Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) grid map
Cetaceans of Northern Ireland - Sea Watch Foundation
Text written by:
Angela Ross
iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database