Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande
Family: Ruppiaceae
Spiral tasselweed is a visually unimpressive submerged aquatic species of saline ponds and lagoons.
In brief
Species description
It is an easily-overlooked submerged aquatic plant with extremely fine, slender stems and leaves and tiny flowers. The fruits are also tiny, about 2mm long, on long stalks attached to a common peduncle (main flowering-stem) which is long and tends to grow into a spiral.
Life cycle
Both tasselweed species are perennial, with slender rhizomes rooted in mud. There appears to be little information on the details of the biology or life cycles of these species. Dispersal of the plants is probably by transfer of portions of plant by birds and dispersal of fruits in water or by birds. Whether plants die down during winter may depend on the temperatures prevailing during a particular season.
Similar species
Very similar to beaked tasselweed from which it cannot be reliably distinguished unless in fruit. Beaked tasselweed has a short, straight peduncle; spiral tasselweed has a long spiral peduncle The two species often occur together, but beaked tasselweed can grow in much shallower water, even on the mud of saltmarshes where it can accompany eelgrass (Zostera spp.)
How to see this species
Sites where this species has been seen in recent years include Victoria Park in Belfast, lagoons by Larne Lough near Glynn and drainage ditches behind the sea walls at Myroe, Donnybrewer by Lough Foyle and Strangford Lough, for example, Anne’s Point. The plant is often mixed in with other brackish-water aquatics such as fennel pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) and horned pondweed (Zannichellia palustris). It is best seen when it is in fruit in late summer or autumn. Relevant access permissions should always be sought prior to visiting any sites.
Current status
It is recorded from brackish waterbodies on the coast of Lough Foyle, saline lagoons adjacent to Larne Lough, and various creeks and ponds adjacent to the County Down shore of Belfast Lough and Strangford Lough; also in the River Quoile.
Why is this species a priority in Northern Ireland?
Threats/Causes of decline
The principal threats are destruction of the sites by drainage, infilling, or pollution. Several sites are artificial water bodies such as drains or the lagoons at Larne Lough which were created by construction of the loughside railway line, and are probably not generally perceived as sites of great amenity or conservation value.
Conservation of this species
Current action
Proposed objectives/actions
What you can do
Further information
Pictures of Isle of Skye Ruppia cirrhosa
Pictures of Isle of Skye Ruppia maritima
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan for Seagrass Beds
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan for Saline Lagoons
UK Habitat Action Plan for Saline Lagoons
Text written by:
Paul Hackney
iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database