Marsh Oblique-barred Noctuidae

Hypenodes humidalis Doubleday, 1850

Description: Wingspan 14-15 mm. This is smallest of the N. Irish noctuids and micro-like in appearance. Forewings pale yellow brown; stigmata dark and clearly visible. Postmedian and subterminal line well marked and running obliquely across the forewing. Hindwings fuscous, darker towards the termen.

Key Identification Features:

Sets:  male upperside

Flight Period: Mid-July to mid-August.

Status: Scarce and local. First discovered in N.Ireland in 1998 when it was taken at light in the Peatlands Park, Armagh. Since then it has been found in a few sites in Fermanagh including Crom Estate, Monmurry Bog and Crockaleaven Lough. This species is probably more widespread than records appear to show.

Ecology: A tiny species that bears a close resemblance to a micro moth which undoubtedly has helped it to escape detection over the years. Adults are said to fly in late afternoon and again at dusk. Its preferred habitats include bogs and heaths. The larval foodplant is unknown in the wild.

World Distribution: Not fully known; in western Europe it is local and has been found in France, Belgium the Netherlands and commonly in Fennoscandia and the Arctic Circle.

Bradley & Fletcher number: 2485 Agassiz number: 72.060

Additional information:

UK Moths account

 Thompson, R. S. & Nelson, B., 2003 (Oct 2). [In] The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland
