Uncertain Noctuidae

Hoplodrina octogenaria (Goeze, 1781)

Description: Wingspan 31-35 mm. Forewings light brown appearing rough-scaled coarse and granular. Stigmata large and clearly defined, slightly darker than base colour and outlined with a fine pale line. Antemedian line dark and dentate extending obliquely from the costa to the dorsum; postmedian line curved towards the dorsum. Subterminal line dark and conspicuous.

Key Identification Features:

Sets:  male upperside

Flight Period: Late June until mid-August.

Status: Confined mainly to the south and east where it is not uncommon in some well-known sites. It is rare elsewhere with on a few recent records from Crom Estate and Garvary Wood Fermanagh and Rathlin Island in Antrim.

Ecology: A lowland species found mainly in open habitats. Adults remain concealed by day and are active after dark when they come to light in small numbers. The larvae are nocturnal and feed from September until April on plantain, dock and dandelion. It overwinters as a larva.

World Distribution: Eurasiatic: Widespread throughout western Europe from Spain to central Sweden.

Bradley & Fletcher number: 2381 Agassiz number: 73.096

Additional information:

UK Moths account


 Thompson, R. S. & Nelson, B., 2003 (Oct 2). [In] The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland
