Twin-spotted Quaker Noctuidae

Anorthoa munda (Denis & Schiff., 1775)

Description: Wingspan 38-44 mm. Adults are variable both in colour and markings and there are many named forms. Forewing colouration ranges from light ochreous brown through to dark ochreous. Stigmata are not well defined and the subterminal line is faint and often reduced to a pair of black median dots. Crosslines are not always well defined but more obvious in lighter forms. Hindwings are fuscous with a small dark discal spot, although this is not always clearly defined.

Key Identification Features:

Sets:  male upperside

Flight Period: Early March to the beginning of May.

Status: Widely distributed in Armagh and Down and apparently scarce elsewhere. Known from a few well scattered localities in Fermanagh. Absent from most of Tyrone and northern counties with the exception of Traad Point, Londonderry in 1990 and White Park Bay, Antrim in 1940.

Ecology: An early spring species associated mainly with woodland habitats. Adults come frequently to light and also to willow Salix spp. catkins. Its early flight period may account for the scarcity of records, as it should exist more widely in other suitable habitats, especially in Fermanagh. The larvae feed during May and June on willow Salix spp., oak Quercus spp. and Aspen Populus tremula.

World Distribution: Northern Europe; throughout Belgium, northern France, the Netherlands east to Russia.

Bradley & Fletcher number: 2189 Agassiz number: 73.250

Additional information:

UK Moths account


 Thompson, R. S. & Nelson, B., 2003 (Oct 2). [In] The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland
