Convolvulus Hawk-moth | Sphingidae |
Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758)
Description: Wingspan 94-120mm. The forewings, thorax and head are grey. The abdomen is marked with a broad grey dorsal stripe and pink and black bands edged with white on the sides. The hindwings are a light grey with darker broad crosslines. This species has an exceptionally long proboscis. When at rest it holds its wings along its body.
Key Identification Features:
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Flight Period: A migrant species that does not breed in N. Ireland. Individuals are recorded mainly between early summer and late autumn.
Status: A large robust species that migrates each year from southern Europe carried on southerly winds. In some years adults appear in N. Ireland. The majority of the records have been in the south and east, although it can appear anywhere. Prior to 1990 there were only a few records, but since then it has been reported more frequently. This may be due to a greater level of recording or a temporary phase of increased abundance.
Ecology: A large attractive species, frequently seen in gardens around dusk, visiting flowers such as Nicotiana, Petunia and other similar plants. The larvae feed on various species of bindweeds, from which it takes its name. It has occasionally been found in the larval stage in Britain but it is unlikely to survive through to pupation in Ireland.
World Distribution: Throughout southern Europe Asia and Africa.
Bradley & Fletcher number: 1972 Agassiz number: 69.004
Additional information:
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Thompson, R. S. & Nelson, B., 2003 (Oct 2). [In] The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland |
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