Larch Pug Geometridae

Eupithecia lariciata (Freyer, 1842)

Description: Wingspan 19-22 mm. Forewings whitish grey with darker crosslines and a sharply angulated median line. There is also a series of small darker patches on the costal margin and visible white crest on the thorax. The hindwings are similar in colour with a small dark spot in the tornal area.

Key Identification Features:

Sets:  male upperside

Flight Period: Early May to late August. Skinner gives May and June as the normal flight period in Britain.

Status: This species is recorded primarily from larch plantations and has a sporadic distribution across southern counties. It is likely to be more widespread than present records indicate especially in the west.

Ecology: A woodland species found in well established conifer plantations. Adults are attracted to light and appear in small numbers. Individuals can occasionally be found during the day by beating the lower branches of the foodplant. The larvae feed from the end of June until the beginning of August on Larch Larix decidua.

World Distribution: Eurasiatic; widespread across northern and central Europe to central Asia.

Bradley & Fletcher number: 1856 Agassiz number: 70.163

Additional information:

UK Moths account


 Thompson, R. S. & Nelson, B., 2003 (Oct 2). [In] The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland
