MolluscIreland - land and freshwater
  • Vertigo (Vertigo) substriata (Jeffreys, 1833) Striated whorl snail

Map hosted by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford
To view the species profile on Biodiversity Maps and access the live map, please click on the map.

A short, slightly barrel-shaped, dextral shell with the penultimate whorl slightly but noticeably broader than the last (body) whorl. Colour a distinctive yellow to pale brown with distinctive regular striations on the upper whorls. Aperture with 5-6 fine denticles: 2 parietal; 1-2 columellar; 2 palatal. No other species has the combination of pale colour, broad penultimate whorl and regular striations. Widespread.

Key characteristics

  • A very small, dextral, barrel-shaped shell with the penultimate whorl noticeably broader than the body whorl
  • Colour pale, a distinctive yellow-brown with strong radial striations on the upper whorls
  • Aperture with 5-6 slender teeth: 2 parietal; 1-2 columellar; 2 palatal
  • Lip thin, barely reflected, but strengthened by an internal callus which connects the teeth
  • Animal pale


1.7-1.9 mm.

World Distribution

Widespread in central and northern Europe to beyond the Arctic Circle. Distribution type: European Boreo-temperate (53).

GBIF distribution map [open in new tab]

Irish Distribution

Widespread, particularly in the west and north but probably under-recorded.


  • Recorded principally from wet unimproved pasture in areas with underlying calcareous bedrock
  • Also found in wet scrub, particularly in the west
  • At altitude or on deep peat it trends to be confined to the margins of calcareous flushes
  • Marsh and field drainage and the general intensification of agriculture appear to be inimical

Red List status

  • Near threatened (nt).

Wikipedia link

Wikipedia page for Vertigo substriata

 Anderson, R., (2016). Vertigo (Vertigo) substriata (Jeffreys, 1833). [In] MolluscIreland. Accessed on 2024-09-17.