MolluscIreland - land and freshwater
  • Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns 1832 Iridescent pea mussel

Map hosted by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford
To view the species profile on Biodiversity Maps and access the live map, please click on the map.

A tumid, obliquely oval shell with broad umbos well behind the mid point. Surface glossy with regular concentric ribbing. Colour grey to cream tinged pink/orange from the animal inside. Widespread but declining.

Key characteristics

  • A medium-sized tumid, obliquely oval, shell
  • Umbos broad and sitting well behind the mid point
  • Surface glossy with regular concentric ribbing
  • Colour grey to cream tinged pink/orange from the animal inside



World Distribution

Distribution type: Eurasian Temperate (75).

GBIF distribution map [open in new tab]

Irish Distribution

Always an uncommon species preferring very clean water. Scattered in the east and centre but probably in decline due to eutrophication (enrichment) of many water-bodies.


  • Confined to richer (calcareous, low trophic) drains and streams
  • Also in small, clean lakes and ponds

Red List status

  • Endangered (EN).

Wikipedia link

Wikipedia page for Pisidium pulchellum

 Anderson, R., (2016). Pisidium pulchellum Jenyns 1832. [In] MolluscIreland. Accessed on 2024-10-07.