MolluscIreland - land and freshwater
  • Oxychilus (Oxychilus) draparnaudi (H. Beck 1837) Draparnaud
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Oxychilus (Oxychilus) draparnaudi
© Dr Roy Anderson

Map hosted by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford
To view the species profile on Biodiversity Maps and access the live map, please click on the map.


A more solid, less glossy shell than O. cellarius, and of a deeper, more opaque brown. Animal deep cobalt blue with a dark grey mantle edge which may suggest O. navarricus but that species is much smaller when mature. Widespread but tends to become commoner southwards.

Key characteristics

  • A moderately large, glossy, depressed brown shell
  • Shell less transparent, more solid and opaque than related species
  • Animal deep cobalt blue with dark grey, rarely black, mantle edge
  • No odour of garlic when irritated


11-16 mm.

World Distribution

Originally with a Mediterranean range but widely distributed by human activity to eastern and northern Europe.

GBIF distribution map [open in new tab]

Irish Distribution

Probably a naturalized alien in Ireland and commonest in the south and east. Mostly in disturbed places, an association which becomes stronger in the northern part of its range. There is an interesting colony in natural chalk grassland and woods at Murlough Bay in north-east Antrim which may have originated from the Scottish mainland 15 km across the North Channel to the east.


  • Mostly associated with gardens and waste places
  • Less frequently observed in semi-natural woods and rough grassland

Red List status

  • Least concern (lc).

Wikipedia link

Wikipedia page for Oxychilus draparnaudi

 Anderson, R., (2016). Oxychilus (Oxychilus) draparnaudi (H. Beck 1837). [In] MolluscIreland. Accessed on 2024-09-19.