Edwardsia ivelli |
Description: A tiny, worm-like anemone up to 20mm long and 1.5mm diameter, with tentacle span of 10-12 mm. Column as in other Edwardsia spp. There are 12 transparent tentacles, arranged in two cycles, nine tentacles in the outer cycle and three in the inner cycle. In life the tentacles of the outer cycle are held flat on the substrate, the three of the inner cycle more or less vertical, often curled over the mouth. Each tentacle has a few transverse bars of pale cream occasionally forming complete rings.
Habitat: Burrows in soft mud in saline lagoons or sheltered creeks. It is a very tiny species and easily overlooked unless deliberately sought.
Distribution: Known only from Widewater lagoon in Sussex, the type locality. Searches here in recent years have failed to find any specimens and the species is considered extinct by some conservationists.
Similar Species: Although the type of locality inhabited by this species is not often searched by divers such places are well worth investigating when the weather makes offshore work impossible. Any new records of this species would be gratefully received. This species and Nematostella vectensis are probably the only British Anthozoans which can be considered endangered species (through habitat destruction and pollution).
Key Identification Features:
Distribution Map: NBN map : National Biodiversity Network mapping facility, data for UK.
WoRMS: Species record : World Register of Marine Species.
iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database
Picton, B.E. & Morrow, C.C. (2016). Edwardsia ivelli Manuel, 1975. [In] Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland. Accessed on 2024-09-19 |
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