Ground Beetles of Ireland

Bradycellus sharpi

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Bradycellus sharpi
© Roy Anderson
Bradycellus sharpi
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(Maps updated 30th November 2009)

Bradycellus sharpi Joy, 1912

Description: A 4-4.5mm brownish-black ground beetle found under leaves and in moss in shaded places, usually old acid woods on or near peat.

World Distribution: An Oceanic temperate species (71) with a very limited range comprising the British Isles, Belgium, the southern Netherlands and northern France.

Irish Status: Widespread but local.

Ecology: More hygrophilous than the other species of Bradycellus. A silvicolous species which is mainly recorded from woodland abutting acid heath or where drainage of lowland raised bog by agricultural improvement or turf-cutting has allowed birch seedlings to become established to form oligotrophic, acid woodland.