Flora of Northern Ireland

Species list : Cyperaceae

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Scientific name [A-Z] Common name [A-Z] Family
Eriophorum angustifolium Common Cottongrass Cyperaceae
Eriophorum latifolium Broad-leaved Cottongrass Cyperaceae
Eriophorum vaginatum Hare's-tail Cottongrass Cyperaceae
Trichophorum cespitosum Deergrass Cyperaceae
Eleocharis palustris Common Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Eleocharis uniglumis Slender Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Eleocharis multicaulis Many-stalked Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Eleocharis acicularis Needle Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Eleocharis parvula Dwarf Spike-rush Cyperaceae
Bolboschoenus maritimus Sea Club-rush Cyperaceae
Scirpus sylvaticus Wood Club-rush Cyperaceae
Schoenoplectus lacustris Common Club-rush Cyperaceae
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Grey Club-rush Cyperaceae
Isolepis setacea Bristle Club-rush Cyperaceae
Isolepis cernua Slender Club-rush Cyperaceae
Eleogiton fluitans Floating Club-rush Cyperaceae
Blysmus rufus Saltmarsh Flat-sedge Cyperaceae
Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush Cyperaceae
Rhynchospora alba White Beak-sedge Cyperaceae
Rhynchospora fusca Brown Beak-sedge Cyperaceae
Cladium mariscus Great Fen-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex paniculata Greater Tussock-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex diandra Lesser Tussock-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex otrubae False Fox-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex spicata Spiked Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex muricata ssp. lamprocarpa Prickly Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex divulsa ssp. divulsa Grey Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex arenaria Sand Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex disticha Brown Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex remota Remote Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex ovalis Oval Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex echinata Star Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex dioica Dioecious Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex elongata Elongated Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex curta White Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex hirta Hairy Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex lasiocarpa Slender Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex acutiformis Lesser Pond-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex riparia Great Pond-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pseudocyperus Cyperus Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex rostrata Bottle Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex vesicaria Bladder-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pendula Pendulus Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex sylvatica Wood-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex strigosa Thin-spiked Wood-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex panicea Carnation Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex laevigata Smooth-stalked Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex binervis Green-ribbed Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex distans Distant Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex extensa Long-bracted Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex hostiana Tawny Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex viridula ssp. brachyrrhyncha Long-stalked Yellow Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex viridula ssp. oedocarpa Common Yellow Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex viridula ssp. viridula Small-fruited Yellow Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pallescens Pale Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex caryophyllea Spring Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pilulifera Pill Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex limosa Bog-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex magellanica Tall Bog-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex aquatilis Water Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex acuta Slender Tufted-sedge Cyperaceae
Carex nigra Common Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex elata Tufted Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex bigelowii Stiff Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pauciflora Few-flowered Sedge Cyperaceae
Carex pulicaris Flea Sedge Cyperaceae

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