Flora of Northern Ireland
  • Rosa caesia x canina (R. x dumalis) Bechst. - rose - Rosaceae
Rosa caesia x canina (R. x dumalis)
(Map updated: March 2008)

Rosa x dumalis is probably much commoner than R. caesia and perhaps even commoner than pure R. canina. Unfortunately, the individual members of the dog roses group, to which these species and their hybrids belong, are difficult to separate, and consequently R. x dumalis is probably under-recorded, so that the accompanying distribution map is misleading. It is common and widespread; perhaps the dominant rose species in certain areas e.g. about Carnlough in Co Antrim.

All names: Rosa caesia x canina (R. x dumalis) Bechst.; Rosa x dumalis Bechst.; Rosa caesia x canina; Rosa x subcanina (Christ) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Rosa x subcollina (Christ) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.

NBN Atlas mapping: Species account : NBN Atlas UK Species Observations database

iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database