Flora of Northern Ireland
  • Rosa canina agg. L.agg. - Dog Rose - Rosaceae
Rosa canina agg.
© Paul Hackney
Rosa canina agg.
(Map updated: March 2008)

Dog roses are a group of closely related, similar-looking species and hybrids which are very common in hedgerows, scrub and heath across lowland Northern Ireland. They come into flower in the second half of summer, and the flowers, which are usually white or pale pink, are succeeded by the familiar red, globose, fruits called rose-hips.

The commonest species in the group is probably Rosa canina itself, but many shrubs show evidence of hybridisation with R. caesia, for example in having obvious wine-red colouring to the stems (pure R. canina lacks this). The distinctions that separate R. caesia from R. canina sensu stricto are summarised on the Rosa caesia page.

All names: Rosa canina agg. L.agg.

NBN Atlas mapping: Species account : NBN Atlas UK Species Observations database

iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database