Flora of Northern Ireland
  • Spiraea salicifolia agg. L. - Bridewort - Rosaceae
Spiraea salicifolia agg.
(Map updated: March 2008)

This group or aggregate consists of about six similar species and hybrids mapped together here for convenience. All are known as brideworts and are not native. They have been planted in hedgerows in many places, but are particularly frequent in Co Tyrone. They have toothed oval leaves, usually light-coloured on the underside, and a dense fluffy head of small pink or white flowers with prominent stamens.

All names: Spiraea salicifolia L.; Spiraea salicifolia sens. str. L.

NBN Atlas mapping: Species account : NBN Atlas UK Species Observations database

iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database