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ArdglassIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Aughnagon QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Ballyhalbert PierIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Ballymagreehan QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Cam Lough Quarry - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Camlough Quarry - StructuralSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Goraghwood QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghDevonian, Silurian
GranshaIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Introduction to the Caledonian Igneous Complexes of Northern IrelandIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneDevonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Introduction to the Palaeontological sites of Northern IrelandPALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEWAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroQuaternary, Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Kearney Point - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Shannaghan HillIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Slieve CroobIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Cam Lough QuarryPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
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