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Introduction to the Caledonian Igneous Complexes of Northern IrelandIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneDevonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Introduction to the Dalradian rocks of Northern IrelandPRECAMBRIAN - DALRADIANAntrim, Londonderry, TyronePrecambrian
Introduction to the Late Quaternary and Holocene of Northern IrelandPEAT AND RELATED STRATIGRAPHYAntrim, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroneQuaternary
Introduction to the Precambrian of Northern IrelandPRECAMBRIAN - DALRADIANAntrim, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyronePrecambrian
Introduction to the Structural Geology of Northern IrelandSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYAntrim, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, Tyrone
Lough FeaPLEISTOCENELondonderry, TyroneQuaternary
Lough Fea - site of local interestPLEISTOCENELondonderry, TyroneQuaternary
Mullaghmore ColPLEISTOCENELondonderry, TyroneQuaternary
The Cretaceous System in N. Ireland - IntroductionCRETACEOUSAntrim, Down, Londonderry, TyroneCretaceous
The Jurassic System in N. Ireland - IntroductionJURASSICAntrim, Down, Londonderry, TyroneJurassic
The Triassic System in N. Ireland - IntroductionTRIASSICAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneTriassic
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