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ArdglassIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Slieve CroobIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Shannaghan HillIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Ballymagreehan QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
GranshaIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Aughnagon QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Goraghwood QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghDevonian, Silurian
Cam Lough Quarry - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Kearney Point - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Ballyhalbert PierIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANDownDevonian, Silurian
Craigballyharky and Craigbardahessiagh - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANTyroneSilurian, Ordovician
Introduction to the Caledonian Igneous Complexes of Northern IrelandIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneDevonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Rosemount - site of local interestLOWER PALAEOZOICDownSilurian
Purdy's Burn - site of local interestLOWER PALAEOZOICDownSilurian, Ordovician
Yate's Corner - site of local interestLOWER PALAEOZOICDownSilurian, Ordovician
Lime Hill FarmLOWER PALAEOZOICTyroneQuaternary, Silurian
Coalpit Bay – Lower PalaeozoicLOWER PALAEOZOICDownOrdovician, Silurian
Craigbardahessiagh and Bardahessiagh River - Lower PalaeozoicLOWER PALAEOZOICTyroneSilurian, Ordovician
Tieveshilly – Carrstown – Lower PalaeozoicLOWER PALAEOZOICDownOrdovician, Silurian
Ballyharry - site of local interestLOWER PALAEOZOICDownSilurian, Ordovician
Cloghan Head - site of local interestLOWER PALAEOZOICDownSilurian
Mournes - Eagle Mountain, Slievemoughanmore, Pigeon Rock MountainPALAEOGENEDownTertiary, Silurian
Mournes - Bloody Bridge Cone-sheetPALAEOGENEDownTertiary, Silurian
Mournes - Bloody Bridge River SectionPALAEOGENEDownTertiary, Silurian
Mournes - Eagle RockPALAEOGENEDownTertiary, Silurian
Mournes - Spelga DamPALAEOGENEDownTertiary, Silurian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Cam Lough QuarryPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Little River and Slate Quarry BridgePALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEWTyroneSilurian, Ordovician
Introduction to the Palaeontological sites of Northern IrelandPALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEWAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroQuaternary, Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Kearney Point – Knockinelder Bay – Lower PalaeozoicSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownSilurian
Orlock Bridge – Lower PalaeozoicSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownOrdovician, Silurian
Orlock Bridge - StructuralSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownSilurian, Ordovician
Whiskin RocksSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownSilurian
White House Port, CloghySTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownSilurian
Knockinelder Bay and Kearney Point - StructuralSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownSilurian
Camlough Quarry - StructuralSTRUCTURAL GEOLOGYDownTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
© National Museums Northern Ireland 2003-19

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