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The Carboniferous System in N. Ireland - IntroductionCARBONIFEROUSAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroCarboniferous
Carboniferous Biostratigraphy - OverviewCARBONIFEROUSAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroCarboniferous
Carboniferous Palaeogeography of N. IrelandCARBONIFEROUSAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroCarboniferous
Carboniferous Subarea-6; Armagh-BenburbCARBONIFEROUSArmagh, TyroneCarboniferous
River Blackwater, BenburbCARBONIFEROUSArmagh, TyroneCarboniferous
Killuney StreamCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Ballynahone RiverCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Rock Road Quarry, ArmaghCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Drumarg - CarboniferousCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Annacramph LaneCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Carganamuck QuarryCARBONIFEROUSArmaghCarboniferous
Goraghwood QuarryIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghDevonian, Silurian
Newry By-passIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghDevonian
Cam Lough Quarry - Caledonide Igneous ComplexIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Introduction to the Caledonian Igneous Complexes of Northern IrelandIGNEOUS - CALEDONIANAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneDevonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
Drumarg cave systemKARST AND CAVESArmaghCarboniferous, Quaternary
Derrynoose - Mineralogy - site of local interestMINERALOGY AND METALLOGENESISArmagh
Aughnagurgan, near DarkleyMINERALOGY AND METALLOGENESISArmagh
Tullydonnell, near SilverbridgeMINERALOGY AND METALLOGENESISArmagh
Slieve Gullion Ring - OverviewPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Cam Lough QuarryPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian, Silurian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Crooked RoadPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Mullaghbawn NorthPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Slieve Gullion Ring - Mullaghbawn CentralPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Mullaghbawn SouthPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary, Devonian
Slieve Gullion Ring - Glendesha ForestPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Slieve Gullion Ring - Slieve GullionPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Slieve Gullion Ring - Cloghinny 'pillow lavas'PALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Slieve Gullion Ring - Sarah Daly's BridgePALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Slieve Gullion Ring - Forest QuarryPALAEOGENEArmaghTertiary
Introduction to the Palaeontological sites of Northern IrelandPALAEONTOLOGICAL REVIEWAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroQuaternary, Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Precambrian
The Permian System in N. Ireland - IntroductionPERMIANAntrim, Armagh, Down, TyronePermian
Introduction to the glacial Sand and Gravel Landscapes of Northern IrelandPLEISTOCENEAntrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, TyroQuaternary
MilltownTRIASSICArmagh, TyroneTriassic, Carboniferous
The Triassic System in N. Ireland - IntroductionTRIASSICAntrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, TyroneTriassic
© National Museums Northern Ireland 2003-19

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